

Reference in the country

Macaé airport is a reference in the country in the offshore sector, serving hundreds of maritime units in the Campos, Santos and Espírito Santo Basins.

  • We have a complete solution for processing offshore flights, from the availability of infrastructure, equipment and services.
  • Our service is customized for the operation of each company (tailor made), adding services according to the client's needs. We have spot service or through contract for regular service;
  • Inspection of passengers and luggage, both when boarding and alighting, ensuring compliance with the safety requirements demanded by the industry.
  • Macaé airport is the first airport in Brazil to offer a VIP Lounge for offshore flights. 
  • 2 briefing rooms equipped with equipment and comfortable accommodation for passengers;
  • Passenger transportation on the way from the passenger terminal to the aircraft and vice versa;
  • Management, control and storage of materials and loads for loading and unloading;
  • Support offices for companies;
  • Ambulance for emergency care;
  • VIP and exclusive lounges, with all the infrastructure for your company
  • handling service

Macaé's infrastructure, dedicated to offshore operations, also stands out in Brazil. See some of our differences:

  • Greater availability of patio;
  • Best hangar infrastructure (7 in total);
  • Firefighters on standby for emergency situations (fire-fighting section);
  • Airport homologated for night and instrument operation (LNAV), guaranteeing 24-hour operation;
  • Air traffic control service;


Bruno Valley
airport manager

Eduardo Cotta Filho
Relationship and offshore business 

Jobson Santana
Operations coordinator